Voting Info
Election: April 19 to April 28, 2023
When Does Voting Begin?
All eligible voters will be provided with detailed instructions on how to vote in the third week in April 2023. Voting instructions will provide detailed information on how to vote online and by telephone.
The 2023 bencher election will be conducted in accordance with the Law Society Act and By-law 3 made pursuant to the Law Society Act. The election will be conducted by online and telephone voting in both French and English.
The Law Society has hired Computershare, a third-party company, to conduct the election.
Voting information will be posted to each eligible voter’s Law Society Portal account during the third week of April 2023. Computershare will also send voting information by email to all eligible voters at that time.
When Must Votes be Received By?
Voting will close at 5 p.m. EST on April 28, 2023.
For further information: Law Society of Ontario Bencher Election 2023 Voting Procedures