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Responsible, Experienced Leadership

I previously served as a bencher from 2011-2019, and have been practicing for over 30. I am just as proud to be a lawyer today, as I was some 30 years ago. Over the years, I have seen and experienced the many challenges that our members and our profession face. As a bencher, I have taken on these challenges, and have worked hard to improve the profession as a whole.

I have joined with like-minded leaders under the banner of the Bencher Good Governance Coalition. Our intent is to return civility and good governance to the Law Society. If elected, I promise to work hard along with other members of the Coalition to safeguard the independence of our profession, and ensure that it is a source of pride for our members.

Here are my responses to the Federation of Ontario Law Associations 2023 Bencher Elections Questionnaire. The full list of candidate responses is available here.

I also invite you to read these comments by Sid Troister, who is running as an incumbent bencher, on the last four years of Convocation, and what’s at stake in this election.

Why I’m Running

I was a Law Society of Ontario Bencher for eight years. I’ve decided to run as a Bencher again. View the reasons why.

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About Me

I was called to the bar in 1989, and I’m a partner at Gowling WLG’s Toronto office. I practice commercial, civil and administrative litigation.

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